i love my ungrateful entitled grandkids

Dealing with Ungrateful Entitled Grandkids

It’s no secret in today’s society that many grandparents find themselves dealing with ungrateful and entitled grandkids. While being a grandparent is one of the most rewarding roles one can have in life, what happens when those precious grandkids start to act entitled? Grandkids are the golden nuggets in a grandparent’s life, bringing joy and laughter to their everyday. So, it can be a frustrating and challenging situation for any grandparent.

It’s not always easy to navigate this territory, especially considering the generational gap and cultural differences but don’t worry, you’re not alone. With grace, patience, love, and a little bit of guidance you can transform your relationship with your grandkids and instill values of respect and gratitude. In this post, we’ll explore nine helpful tips and strategies on handling ungrateful and entitled grandkids while fostering healthy, fulfilling relationships.

What are Ungrateful, Entitled Grandkids?

  • An ungrateful grandkid shows no gratitude or appreciation for the things their grandparents do for them. This could include not saying thank you, not acknowledging gifts, or not showing any interest in spending time with their grandparents.
  • An entitled grandkid is a grandchild who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement. They may expect to receive special treatment or privileges without having to earn them.

What causes Grandchildren to be ungrateful?

  • This can be due to a variety of factors, such as overindulgence by their parents or grandparents, or a lack of discipline and boundaries in their upbringing. It could also be a result of inadequate education, or low self-esteem.
  • When things fell apart for us, for a while it affected the relationship with our grandkids. Our grief had caused us to make some poor choices and it impacted our relationship with our grandkids. Sometimes reestablishing trust can take a while. Be patient and don’t give up. Especially when you initially dropped the ball.
  • Sometimes inappropriate behavior has more to do with how their parents are raising them. If your grandkid’s parents are not enforcing manners, they are likely not going to find them necessary either. Go to the parent’s and share your concerns in descriptive, nonjudgemental language.
  • It can be hurtful and disappointing for grandparents who want to have a positive relationship with their grandchildren to be disrespected and treated with unimportance, but you have the power to be a positive influence in their lives, so embrace your role as a grandparent with love and purpose.

10 Best Tips to Deal with Ungrateful, Entitled Grandkids

entitled grandkid wearing red princess shirt with words written on it saying why she is entitled.

1: Respect them and explain what respect means.

  • Respect is a two-way street, and it’s essential to instill this value in our grandchildren.
  • Talk to your grandkids about what respect means and model behavior that shows respect.
  • Encourage them to respect themselves, others, and their belongings.
  • Remind them that actions and words have consequences, and they should always strive to respect others’ feelings and boundaries.

2: Build a strong bond with them and be present in their lives.

  • One of the best ways to deal with ungrateful and entitled grandkids is to establish a strong bond with them.
  • Spend quality time together, create traditions, and make lasting memories.
  • Be actively involved in their lives and show genuine interest in their hobbies, passions, and dreams.
  • Grandkids who feel valued, loved, and supported are more likely to show gratitude and appreciation.
  • Praise their efforts and thank them for helping to make the world a better place.

3: Establish boundaries and clear house rules for them.

  • Rules and boundaries are necessary to provide structure, stability, and discipline in our grandkids’ lives.
  • Set clear expectations for their behavior and enforce consequences if these rules are violated.
  • Be firm but kind, and be consistent in your approach.
  • It’s also essential to maintain open communication with your grandkids, so they understand why certain rules are in place.
Sign with entitled saying on it.

4: Ignore certain behaviors that are not harmful or dangerous

  • Sometimes, our grandkids’ behavior can be frustrating and annoying, but it’s crucial to pick our battles wisely.
  • Ignore minor behavior issues that aren’t harmful or dangerous.
  • Focus on positive behaviors.
  • Let them know that they are appreciated.
  • Praising your grandkids for good behavior reinforces positive habits and strengthens your relationship.

5: Be consistent and patient with them.

  • Consistency and patience are keys to successful grandparenting.
  • Be consistent in your approach to discipline.
  • Follow through with consequences.
  • Patience is necessary when dealing with ungrateful and entitled grandkids.
  • Take deep breaths and count to ten before reacting.
  • With time and effort, your grandkids will learn to appreciate you and show gratitude for your love and support.
Blue shirt with entitled ungrateful saying on it

6: Give them a job or a task to do

  • Giving your grandkids chores or tasks to do can teach them responsibility and accountability.
  • Assign age-appropriate tasks, such as cleaning their room, doing the dishes, or watering plants.
  • Congratulate them on their accomplishments and offer to support them in any way possible.
  • Encourage them to continue their work.
  • Let them know that you believe in the power of their mission.
  • Use this opportunity to talk about the value of hard work and responsibility.

7: Teach them empathy and how to appreciate others

  • Empathy is a crucial life skill that helps our grandkids understand and connect with others.
  • Teach them to see things from other people’s perspectives and appreciate what they have.
  • Encourage them to express gratitude and say thank you for gifts and kind gestures.
Character is what you are in the dark written out on page.

8: Change the subject or distract them when they are rude

  • Sometimes, our grandkids can be rude or disrespectful. Above all it’s essential to address this behavior.
  • Change the subject or distract them when they’re being rude.
  • Have conversations with them about what they are doing wrong.
  • When their behavior is questionable encourage them to apologize and make amends.

9: Leave them alone or send them home when they are disrespectful.

  • If your grandkids are being disrespectful or displaying unacceptable behavior, sometimes it’s necessary to take a time-out.
  • Leave them alone, or send them home to cool down and reflect on their actions.
  • This teaches them that their behavior has consequences and reinforces the importance of respect and gratitude.


  • All things considered, dealing with ungrateful and entitled grandkids is a common issue, but with patience, love, and consistency, we can overcome this challenge.
  • By setting clear expectations, teaching empathy, and establishing a strong bond, we can transform ungrateful grandkids into grateful ones.
  • Above all, remember that as grandparents, we have a unique opportunity to shape our grandkids’ lives positively and leave a lasting legacy. Keep calm, stay positive, and enjoy the journey!
  • If you have any ideas to add please leave me a comment below and then check out some of my other articles on grandparenting. I share some sites where other grandparents have maneuvered through some of these same obstacles. Others have written on the topic as well. Let’s take this grandparenting journey together.

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