My name is Barbra, or Granny, I’m a mom of 4, grandmother of 9, passionate about God, family, psychology, the law, horses, dogs (animals in general), novice photography, DIY crafting (Cricut & HTV newb), cooking, baking, home decor, learning in general, & travel (although I have not yet has the opportunity 2 do a great deal of it-yet). I’ve only seen this side of the United States. My experiences abroad have been 2 Canada (which I do not remember) & a quick trip 2 Tijuana (which I’m not likely 2 forget).

When I’m not spending time with my wonderful husband, I’m usually writing about my fascination with all of the above, including adventure, & living a healthy & organized life. I have a bachelor’s in psychology & have completed most of my Grad work in the same field, as well as some of my practicum hours (on the job training). Recently I have discovered that I have a love for the law & justice-rightfully so(follow up later)- and have started exploring the auditing of legal classes. When I was younger I worked as an aide in preschools, kindergarten & daycare centers. Following that I opened my own daycare and continued to do childcare out of my own home for years. I’ve worked in behavioral group homes for adolescent girls; starting as floor staff, & working my way up the line 2 administrator. I did find however, that I much preferred the day to day with the girls far more than I ever did behind the desk. Go figure 😉 I’ve been a case manager in a psychiatric facility, an office manager for a pest control company, I’ve worked in the restaurant industry many years; mostly when I was younger and mostly because my family owned and ran restaurants and therefore it was familiar. I had a paper route from the age of 10 to the age of 12, the first girl in our town actually and purchased my first horse with my earnings- & even planted trees for the forest service. Again, when I was much, much younger (obviously). I’ve even sat shotgun, w/ my husband, while he was driving long haul, on his big rig. I’ve raised sheep, steer, & 4-H pigs, w/ my children, & @ one time I ran a small rescue ranch for horses & dogs.

I’ve done a lot, seen a lot & @ this stage of my life I have come to have a pretty in depth understanding about human limitations and their frailties. Yet, I have also seen amazing people overcome the most traumatic situations & end up doing the most incredible things, Despite horrible circumstances, in horrendous pain, and yet still retaining the most awesome capacity to give & receive love. Humans are the most fascinating creatures. I love them. People that is. Every size, shape, color, creed, status, age, etc. I absolutely, undoubtably love people. Most people. Note, I left political affiliation out. Kidding, LOL! No seriously I am kidding. I love all God’s children. Even the ones that are hard to love. Probably because that is the category I have found myself in more then once. And because of that, I have an uncontainable desire to help others grow past painful issues, & together reach the highest potential as human beings that we are capable of becoming . That said, I have one more thing about me that needs to be shared. I am also a survivor. Of many things. Domestic Violence, an eating disorder, addictions; in several forms, & although I will touch on all of that as well, my main focus will be on surviving the loss of a loved one. Mainly a child; or children though that kind of pain seams to permeate the soul in similar ways I cannot begin to know what its like to lose a spouse to death, although I did go through through a painful divorce that took a few years to process. I know from my own experience that there is not much that is harder than having to recover from losing someone dear to your heart. Many, many times I did not believe that I would make it through one more day. If not for the Grace & Love of a Merciful God, who understands exactly the torment that it brings, I know that I would not have. That being said….Welcome 2 my journey. I’m so glad that you are here! Let’s do this together and remember to always give yourself a break cuz EVERYONE needs a little grace. And it begins……grannysgrace.