Holiday gathering with two woman standing beside woman sitting in front of table
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10 Holiday Strategies for Survival

What is Holiday Survival?

Woman in Gray Knit Sweater Praying
  • The holiday season is upon us, and while many are looking forward to get-togethers with loved ones, others are desperately seeking strategies to survive them. My mission here is to provide those families with the tools and resources that will help plan the perfect event- one that everyone can enjoy and remember fondly for years.
  • I’m passionate about connecting families through meaningful experiences that, not only avoids conflict but also brings everyone closer together and more unified. Creating an inviting and comfortable atmosphere to share important moments with your family. In this blog, we will discuss tips and tricks for coordinating family gatherings and creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all. I hope these ideas help make your special occasions memorable for generations to come.

Family Gatherings Fowl or Festive?

family dinner, dinner, party
  • The holidays are a time of togetherness and joy, but they can also come with their own set of challenges. As families grow and new members are added, coordinating events and creating a harmonious environment can be daunting. Believe me, I understand the importance of creating a space that is welcoming to celebrate life’s special moments and yet. overwhelmed at the thought of so many diverse personalities under one roof.
  • Doing any event, where our entire family came together in one place, was often a recipe for disaster. However, preplanning with a few simple strategies in place, can create a stress-free holiday. One that allows everyone to enjoy the festivities and ensure that they will still be on talking terms when you all ring in the New Year. So, let’s get started…

10 Tips and Strategies for Holiday Survival

new year's eve, christmas, holiday

1. Prioritize:

  • Start by making a plan and laying out your priorities.
  • Consider what activities are important to you and your family and do those things first.
  • Deciding dates and times that work for everyone will allow you to better organize your own time.
  • Don’t try cramming as much activity into every day as possible. You will only succeed in becoming frustrated and start the holidays resentful.
  • Don’t forget who and what is most important; carve out quality time for those special people in your life.

2. Make a list:

person writing holiday survival list on book
  • Write down everything that needs to get done. Having it written out will help give you an idea of what’s ahead. Adjust your schedule accordingly.
  • Buy gifts for your closest family members before tackling everyone else’s list.
  • Send out invitations well in advance so that everyone can mark their calendars and make necessary arrangements.
  • Consider creating a group chat or email chain to keep everyone updated and informed,
  • Create a budget if needed.

3. Reach out for help:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed. Having help can be a real lifesaver and inviting others into your personal space, especially if they are a newer member can help in making them feel a part of.
  • Taking turns watching the kids. Sharing childcare is a great way to reduce stress on all and build stronger relationships within the family. My sibling’s children and mine are very close.
  • Delegate shopping or decorating tasks to others, people like to feel needed and included. Again, this assists newer family members in learning all the likes and dislikes of their new relatives.
  • If meal preparation is a source of stress, ask people to bring a favorite dish or contribute in some way. This adds a personal touch and allows everyone to share their unique traditions and recipes. I was famous for my Peanut Butter Balls.
  • Sometimes finding professional services for family reunions, such as event planning assistance agencies, can help specifically when dealing with large families.
  • Don’t be afraid to keep things simple. If the event is informal no one will expect a gourmet feast (hopefully), so just focus on creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

4. Take time to relax:

Relaxed woman getting alternative massage
  • Take in all of the festive decorations.
  • As tempting as it can be to rush through the season, try and take a few moments each day to sit back and enjoy the spirit of the holidays.
  • Go get a massage or a facial
  • Sipping some hot cocoa or a Pumpkin Latte.
  • Go to a spa or go get your nails and hair done, before the family starts arriving.
  • Find something that helps slow down your pace, even if it’s just taking a nap.
  • Prioritize self-care by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and taking time for yourself to relax and unwind.

5. Celebrate the little things:

  • During this season of giving, don’t forget about yourself and the ones you love most.
  • Even small gestures, like baking cookies together make a moment memorable.
  • Take an evening stroll or smile at strangers who pass you by. Life is a gift, and it can be made even more special by sharing time together and connecting with the world around us even if it is with just a smile.
  • Take in the sights and sounds of nature with your friends and family. Constantly being filled with gratitude for each moment you are able to experience.
  • Keep your eyes open for every blessing or little gift that comes your way and remember to thank God for them.
  • I know some think me silly for thanking God for a much-needed green light, the last can of pumpkin on the shelf, etc. I can only base what I know to be true on the experiences that I’ve had. A forgotten rebate check shows up in the mail on the very day you run out of milk. A car mistakenly going your way, on an icy, deserted highway, right after you’ve totaled your car with three small children and no blankets (yes, before cell phones). I know who sent them.

6. Make memories:

  • The holidays are an ideal time to create fantastic moments your family will cherish for years to come.
  • Just gathering around the dinner table together can leave lasting memories that you will remember fondly.
  • Taking a special trip together is great whether with just your immediate family or a large group. Some places cater to the specific holiday. I know we spent one Christmas vacation at Disneyland, and it was quite festive. They even arranged for the snow.
  • Holiday meal planning and preparing together.
  • Festive activities with kids like raking leaves and then jumping in the piles or building snow men.
  • Searching out and finding unique gifts that won’t break the bank is a great way to spend memorable moments together.
  • Writing Christmas cards with your kids is fun in itself but making cards is monumental. I’m learning how to do just that with my new Cricut vinyl cutting machine. I love it. I can create all kinds of cards in addition to many other things, like stickers and t-shirts. You can find exactly what supplies you need at Amazon.
  • Taking family photos is a great way to capture these special moments.

7. Reach out:

  • Don’t forget about those around you who may need a little extra help this holiday season. You know the ones I am talking about. The hungry, the lonely, the lost.
  • Believe in the power of connection and helping those who are less fortunate. We don’t know someone else’s story, even when we think we do. Take the time to show others Jesus through us. Oftentimes the only Jesus they see will be from our vantage point.
  • Remembering that holidays can be difficult for many people, especially when they are missing people they love. I know it has been for me. Try to remember to show kindness to others. You would be amazed at what it will do for your frame of mind.
  • Whether it’s a meal, conversation, or simply a smile, your contributions can make all the difference for someone in need. Make a difference this holiday season. If Jesus really is the ‘Reason’ for the Season, don’t forget to show it.

8. Say thank you:

brown wooden blocks on white surface
  • Don’t forget to show your appreciation for everyone who has made the holidays special.
  • Thank a neighbor for decorating their home and making the neighborhood festive.
  • Express gratitude to family members for their help and support.
  • Be sure to take time to show gratitude towards all of the employees where you shop. Remember that this can be a very difficult season for them to work in. Not everyone is gracious, and they would probably rather be spending time with their own families.

9. Activities for All Ages:

  • To keep everyone entertained and engaged, plan activities that cater to all age groups.
  • Traditional games like charades or “20 Questions” are a great way to have fun and pass the time with family.
  • Find something interactive, especially for the younger members.
  • Scrabble can offer friendly competition for older members but there are also card games great for all ages, such as Go Fish or Old Maid.
  • The famous Christmas Elf on the Shelf has numerous games that are not always limited to just the younger crowd.
  • Everyone loves scavenger hunts, and they are great no matter what the holiday is.
  • The main point is entertained children are happy children. Restless, bored children can put a damper on everyone’s holiday spirits quickly and turn your festive activities into a nightmare. Be prepared.
  • This is not a complete guide, use your own imagination or find some family favorites online at places like Request suggestions in the invitations, to be returned with the R.S.V.P. and you will be covering your guest list as well.
green and red plant on white wooden table

10. Set Ground Rules:

  • When family members gather, old wounds and disagreements can resurface. To avoid this, set some boundaries for all members to follow.
  • Encourage kindness and respect. While it may feel good in the moment to argue back with cantankerous relatives baiting you, it can be all consuming and only draw the energy out of you.
  • Remind everyone that this is a time to come together and celebrate what brings you all together.
  • Avoid heated political or religious debates. When Uncle Henry starts up another polarizing or bigoted conversation find an excuse to leave the area. Hopefully they and the others around you will eventually get the point.
  • Ensure that conversations remain lighthearted and enjoyable. Jesus led by example and so should we. If you have unsaved family members, keep in mind that you don’t want them to stay that way. Only offer testimony if asked and never, ever from a holier than thou position.
  • If alcohol will be served, set a limit. Especially if there is a history of problem drinking.
  • Give prior notice that if someone has had too much to drink, they will not be allowed to drive. Have a designated driver on standby or have them stay the night. A good practice is, if alcohol is available that driver’s keys are relinquished before being served.


  • The holiday season is a time to create positive memories and reconnect with loved ones. By following a few simple strategies, you can create a stress-free holiday that allows everyone to have a good time. Plan alternate-year hosting, assign specific holidays to different family members, co-host gatherings, be flexible with dates, and set ground rules. Above all, remember that the purpose of the holiday season is to create joy and togetherness. With these tips in mind, you can create a memorable holiday season that will be cherished for years to come.
  • Thank you for choosing Granny’s Grace! I’m looking forward to helping you celebrate life’s holiday’s milestones. Let me know if you like the suggestions, you found here by leaving me a comment below. Check out some of my other posts on spending time with family members.

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